About the Issues

About the Issues
We monitor the issue, determine a position, and urge government, faith communities or community leadership to re-visit the policy or create new policies. We encourage our parishes and congregations to contribute to the shaping of key public policy. We will speak to those policies or practices that do not reflect God’s call to love and justice.
Poverty Reduction
Poverty statistics over the past two decades indicate a dramatic rise in the number of higher poverty neighbourhoods in the City of Toronto. The needs continue to grow around food insecurity and affordable housing, among a variety of other challenges.
Our goal is to improve the lives of people who are struggling to make ends meet by addressing issues around income and improving services, looking at inequity, opportunity and belonging

Refugee Support
Canada continues to be recognized for its settlement of both government-assisted and privately sponsored refugees escaping violence and persecution. We encourage all levels of government to work together to ensure the successful settlement of newcomers. We expect all refugee newcomers to be treated with respect and appropriate language that does not demean their humanity. We believe in treating newcomers with respect and dignity and addressing gaps in services for private refugee sponsors who are focused on best practices in settlement.
Right Relations with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples
Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission named 94 Calls to Action about creating right relationships with our Indigenous population. We recognize the importance of Indigenous peoples to life in Ontario, and commit to reconciliation moving forward. We help faith communities focus on roles we might all play in righting the wrongs of the past including our own understanding of history.

Care for the Environment
Climate change is a tremendous challenge for the global community and we see it as a critical issue of our times. As people of faith, it is an issue that reaches to the core of who we are and how we are to live in God’s world. We offer, when appropriate, information and education to our parishes and congregations around protecting creation and care for God’s gift that provides us with the basics of life.
Systemic racism and injustice in society affects racialized, Black and Indigenous peoples. We support political and cultural change to address deep-seated systems that work to oppress so many members of our communities. Such racism deprives people of their health, education, safety, advanced employment opportunities as well as basic freedoms. We commit to educating ourselves, our congregations and parishes about white privilege and unconscious bias by taking action to end silence around this issue that will lead to systemic change and equality for all.